Come join me with traditional Afghan food with a especial nonalcoholic drink!
In this menu we will prepare Afghanistan traditional food for parties, like wedding parties. It is main dishes that can be served with any kind of salad and side dishes like pudding. I learn it from my mother and I make it several times for my friends and family.
=== Kabili palaw (Qaabili palaw)(カブリ・パラウ(マトン炒めごはん))
アフガニスタン料理の代名詞 カブリ・パラウ。ラム、ニンジン、レーズンの炒めごはんのようなものです。
=== Borani banjan(ボラニバンジャン(焼きナスのヨーグルトソース))
=== Afghan salad(アフガンサラダ)
=== Naan panjakash(アフガニスタンのブレッド)
Home made bread
=== Ferni (Afghan pudding)(フェルニ(スパイスたっぷりのプリン))
Geronimo is dessert of our menus. 牛乳、コーン粉とスパイスで作るアフガニスタンの有名なプリンです。
=== Lemon and khakshir(ヨモギの種とレモンのドリンク)